The RiotAct Canberra – Moderated Posts April 20th 2012


jawm said :

@c_c “So why didn’t you cycle?” …I’m so glad you’re showing so much interest (slow day?) again, if you had read my post properly I said “The plan was to try and get some photos” – carrying a load of photo gear including a huge camera bag and a big tripod on a bicycle is impractical.

>>And for that matter, why didn’t you know the place was locked up, it’s been like that for years.
Well… maybe I just don’t have your superior powers of situational awareness.

>>Even if you didn’t go there while the gates were shut in the past, the signage and gates are still

indeed… they are not invisible… in fact I must have ridden/driven/walked/jogged past them thousands of times – but guess what, I hadn’t noticed them before… (there’s so much sign pollution in Canberra I tend to just phase it all out)… (obviously I should be hanged (I’m sure you’d be up for the job) for such a wild and irresponsible devil-may-care approach to municipal signage)… we’re not all as perfect as you I’m glad to say…

So you’re inattentive, out of shape (hence you can’t carry some photo gear) and needy but everything is the fault of government – yep, nothing screwy with this kind of reasoning.

If you think cycling with photo gear is hard in Canberra, try lugging far more stuff kilometres on foot through the Tarkine:

Libertarians, gotta pity them.


nice_enough said :

Hey dude, just don’t speed, stop whinging and drive safely.

And we’re off and racing with the first one who didnt actually read anything in the post.

Keep up the good work Bungers.

The joke that was the William Hovell Drive 80 km/h speed limit implementation
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Under s. 19 of the Commissioner for the Environment Act 1993, the Minister has six months to release the report to the Assembly and table a response. The Greens are big on protocol, so they should know that.

That said, Corbell has sat on the report longer than any previous environment ministers. The others have released the report instantly, or (in the case of Stanhope) within weeks of it being published.

Let’s face it, these reports don’t say too much these days. The original commissioner was relatively outspoken at times.

State of the Environment 2011
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I worked with this sick fucker years ago. I seem to remember him getting in shit for similar shit, was about 5 years ago. right after he got sacked it turned out he had been fiddeling some kid who he had been babysitting. It was definitly in the newspaper at the time. Can’t seem to find it now though? Not sure what came of it… obviously nothing as it wasn’t mentioned in the report today.

Name of alleged Conder paedophile released [With poll on the matter of bail]
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Rich foskey | Bigicedesign…

[…] Deb Foskey – Cat Hater | The RiotACT […]

Deb Foskey – Cat Hater
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Rich foskey | Bigicedesign…

[…] Richard Mulcahy – Ecowarrior | The RiotACT […]

Richard Mulcahy – Ecowarrior
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JonnieWalker said :

Stevian said :

Captain RAAF said :

Dilandach said :

Mysteryman said :

I would support a push for changing the law to allow 16 and 17 year olds to be tried as adults.

Your honour, the defendants have had terrible childhoods in low socio-economic circumstances that could have potentially included violence. Imposing a custodial sentence on these young men at this time for a low range crime would not be a benefit to the community, they have not had the chance to rehabilitate themselves and show that they’re an asset to the wider public.

or my personal fave,

‘the accused has an indigenous heritage. His mother’s father came from the Noongar people in Western Australia’.

You are free to go!

I see your riding your Racist pony again. Ho Hum

If someone chooses to use their race, culture, gender, religion or socio-economic background as a legal defence, then why should that stated defence not be allowed the same level of examination and criticism as any other legal defence? Any defence should not be off limits to attack at prosecution it if it is allowed to be used, and too often is.

It’s a total non sequitur, Cap is first and foremost a Racist, it’s his raison d’etre, if you’re willing to be tarred with the same brush, support him. Then you can join hands and skip over to Stormfront, where you will be welcomed with open arms

Teen servo blaggers apprehended
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Sorry, somehow I managed to post the same bad joke twice, at 72 and 74. I don’t even know how I did that.

If this is posted, this will be my 500th post on this thread, for which I also sincerely apologise.

Canberra’s top eateries?
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i lost track of all the messages here, but i generally find the food quality in canberra eateries is poor quality, overpriced and service is dismal. i usually trek to sydney for any “fancy” meals.

Canberra’s top eateries?
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Jim Jones Jones

Mysteryman said :

Tooks said :

Jim Jones said :

It’s genuinely scary how many people there are here who launch into spittle-flecked-mad elaborately violent vengeance fantasies at the first mention of a police car chase.

Really? You’re genuinely scared? The world wide web is a scary place.

Fear and ingorance and good friends.

You got that right.

Might as well leave this website to become the unquestioned right-wing mob howling for blood that it’s become.

Greens call for an effective end to police pursuits [With poll]
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Jim Jones Jones

Ben_Dover said :

Jim Jones said :

Yeah, surely no-one could argue against killing scumbags, right?

Well when you find that, why not argue with the actual word which are written?

All you ever seem to do is constantly whine, and personally attack, (usually with made up quotes,) towards people who have the temerity to have a different viewpoint to you.

Where’s your evidence. Who have I ‘attacked’ here? Beyond pointing out that there’s a bunch of people who launch into ridiculous vigilante fantasies at any given opportunity that is a worrisome trend, what’s your issue?

I suspect it’s just another case of you getting your knickers in a twist because someone isn’t baying for blood along with the rest of the sheeple.

Greens call for an effective end to police pursuits [With poll]
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c_c said :

Tooks said :

Wrong. When on duty they are often already out on patrol. They are not firefighters.

oh Tooks, quit now. You’re just digging yourself deeper.

This comment is wonderfully moronic.

You just can’t make this stuff up its so silly.

Your disputing the use of SRS for police pursuits because rather than being at their HQ all the time, they’re already out on the road on patrol.

Wow, yep, you’re right, better not bother the SRS if they’re busy driving around waiting to intervene in something. They’re very, very busy waiting and mustn’t be disturbed with anything.

Of course the more logical people out there may realise that:
a) you’ve got tactically trained police out and about 24×7 anyway, in vehicles with bull bars and with advanced weapons training.
b) That means they’re equipped to PIT and could easily be equipped to use high calibre weapons to disable a vehicle at distance.

Frankly I would much rather see the SRS used to quickly end a chase via tactical means than examples like in that YouTube video above where 20 AFP vehicles chased it through the centre of Canberra, into a high pedestrian area where it was finally stopped by a member of the public using their own car as a ram.

Do it quickly, do it in a calculated way and you reduce the risk to harm to all concerned. And though employing tactics used in war zones may seem foreign, let us consider that just a couple of decades ago, it seemed foreign to have police in large engine cars or carrying semi-automatics. They drove 4cyl vehicles and had revolvers from the early 1900s. Compare how Police were equipped to handle the Jollimont siege and how they are equipped today.

What you wrote is so mind-blowingly idiotic, I won’t bother to respond. You are an absolute imbecile.

Greens call for an effective end to police pursuits [With poll]
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Why is it that when Labor make a statement about something, it’s reported on RA without the pejorative hyperbole that’s used for posts about Liberal statements/press releases?

The Chief Minister pronounces MyWay a resounding success
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Tooks said :

You have proven to be absolutely clueless when it comes to law enforcement. You’ve been asked several times for your solution on how to make these pursuits safer and you’ve ignored them all. You were asked specifically how you would’ve managed the Brisbane pursuit better and you offered nothing.

You are clueless enough to join the Greens.

Tooks said :

Once again, playing the man and not the ball. By the way, what’s a ‘serious’ pursuit? I thought they were all serious.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. It’s not standard practice. Out of the 50-70+ police pursuits in Canberra each year, very few would involve SRS. The only time they become involved is when they are already on duty and in a position to do so. Even then, they would never chase a vehicle.

Your ignorance on this topic is embarrassing.

Tooks unfortunately hasn’t woken or sobered up yet this morning. But then again he does specialise in personal attacks and stupid contributions. Let’s all remember what he said in February of this year regarding a police pursuit:

User “awj” commented:

“While its all well and good to state it only reached 110 in an 80 zone, it was still very dangerous.
80+km per hour down a busy hospital road. I think the limit is 40km was extremely dangerous.
Very lucky nobody pedestrians were hit crossing hospital road.”

To which “Tooks” so insightfully replied with this reasoned comment:

“So presumably the answer is to let him get away. Wonder if you’d feel differently if it was your vehicle.”

Attacking someone for suggesting it was dangerous to maintain a high speed pursuit through an area of high pedestrian activity signposted at 40. I particular like this silly comment at the end about “your vehicle” because of course no one else’s life matters if your car is stolen and you want it back.

Grow up. You can’t read, you can’t exercise reason.

If you can’t see that I’ve repeatedly said what the solutions are, then your mental faculties are lacking.

To repeat, Police need to use technology and tactics to catch these people in a smarter way rather than in prolonged engagements of escalating risk where offenders push the boundaries until Police are forced to give up, either by:

a) ending the chase faster and more decisively (through use of the PIT or disabling the vehicle) and/or
b) deescalating pursuits while maintaining surveillance to allow apprehension (GPS tagging which companies in the US are now offering, use of traffic cameras).

Greens call for an effective end to police pursuits [With poll]
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c_c said :

Stevian said :

Captain RAAF said :

Dilandach said :

Mysteryman said :

I would support a push for changing the law to allow 16 and 17 year olds to be tried as adults.

Your honour, the defendants have had terrible childhoods in low socio-economic circumstances that could have potentially included violence. Imposing a custodial sentence on these young men at this time for a low range crime would not be a benefit to the community, they have not had the chance to rehabilitate themselves and show that they’re an asset to the wider public.

or my personal fave,

‘the accused has an indigenous heritage. His mother’s father came from the Noongar people in Western Australia’.

You are free to go!

I see your riding your Racist pony again. Ho Hum

People play the race card, pointing it our isn’t racism, it’s fact.

Take it to Stormfront. To pluck it out of the blue for no reason is Racism You can deny it all you want, but we all know the truth.

Teen servo blaggers apprehended
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Mr Gillespie Gillespie

Those green cretins claim that more than “half of the community” want an end to police chases. What planet is he on? What does he want? What is this “community” saying? Criminals should just be allowed to get away even when spotted by police???

Why don’t those just go back to tree-hugging in the wilderness, and stop trying to make the rules for the rest of society, especially on things other than the environment!!

Greens call for an effective end to police pursuits [With poll]
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Mr Gillespie Gillespie

Just goes to show greenies are fuckwits and should go back to tree hugging in wilderness areas and get out of Australia’s parliaments. Banning police chases would only give criminals an easy way to escape the law, any idiot can work that one out.

Greens call for an effective end to police pursuits [With poll]
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johnboy said :

Rather than have an argument on the merits of Tilleys how about we continue to make constructive suggestions of places we like to go.

Just wanted to say, well done JB for this effort to keep a thread on topic! Should be more of it! :-P

Canberra’s top eateries?
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Hi Tony, I run a small artifical grass sales & installation (i.e Astroturfing) company in the local region. I don’t have much capital so I’ve resorted to running my own Grass Roots advertising campaigns in the local region, however, they seems to have backfired. You see, I decided to run an advertising feature on a local blog and in order to generate extra interest I created a few accounts (I used names like Jonesy58 and Flower12) and commented on my own article. Unfortunately, I was called out on it because the comments I left were large, well written and posted within minutes of each other. This has created distrust as members of the site felt that someone was trying to trick them into believing that real people were discussing and recommending my product. Do you have any tips on how I could get out of this situation?

7 Lessons in business (from a Business Coach)
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HenryBG said :

Diggety said :

The question I asked you before (why is it that renewables have not replaced our energy sytem?), ….

…is a question that reveals that the terms of this discourse are being dictated by the obvious vested interests.

Consider this scenario:

It’s the 23rd of November 1859. Charles Darwin is talking to his parish priest about his new book due to be published the next day.

“Your ideas are rubbish”, says the priest, “why is it that evolutionary biology hasn’t replaced our creationist system?”, he adds, displaying all the logic of a 21st-century apologist for the fossil fuel industry.

Changing the subject doesn’t answer the question either Henry.

I’ll take your response as a “I don’t know”, so here is the answer to the question: cost.

The renewable energy industry is, unsurprisingly, interested in plans for a large scale solar facility
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Comments are closed.